Deluxe Digipack reissue with 2 Bonus Tracks of the milestone Finish Black Metal classic!
As the bloated corpse of black metal continues to be picked apart by Facebook “friends” and post-whatever posers, it’s up to scene veterans like SARGEIST to “Let the Devil In”. Featuring the six-string sorcery of HORNA songwriter Shatraug as well as the vile throat and cruel battery of BEHEXEN, Finland’s finest SARGEIST display that black metal orthodoxy need not spell creative death, that occult mysticism is still ripe for exploration if the words match the deeds - and especially if you have the songs to back them up. One anthem to the horned one after another, “Let the Devil In” masterfully balances raw, bloodcurdling passion with poised, steely-eyed professionalism: a classic of traditional black metal!
Out of Print since 2015, this eternal Black Metal classic is finally re-issued with 2 bonus tracks in a limited edition digipak!